Water Filtration System

Bottled Water vs Filtered

While most of us are aware of the environmental impact bottled water has on the environment few of us really think of the expense we are forking out a year on drinking it.

In 2015 Australian’s purchased over 726 million litres of water.

If the average cost of water costs $2.75 per litre means Australian’s spent up to $2billion last year.

Here are some fun bottled water facts;

  • Bottled water costs double the cost of a litre of petrol.
  • Bottled water creates over 60,000 tons of greenhouses gases a year in Australia alone.
  • Less than 40% of water bottles are recycled and take over 1,000 years to bio-degrade.

Suddenly filtered water in home seems a lot more convenient and cost effective than purchasing bottled water.

Stiebel Eltron Three (3) Stage Filter

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The Stiebel Eltron Stream 3 Water filter provides high quality, bacteria free, great tasting drinking water for your property using ultra-filtration technology.

  • Simple push & click cartridge replacement
  • Swing arm function allows for easy replacement of cartridges
  • Compact 10 inch cartridges take up less space under sink
  • Automatic shut off if cartridges are disconnected preventing water leakage
  • Encapsulated filters for easy removal & prevention of contamination
  • Colour coded filter cartridges for easy replacement
HiFlow Water Filter

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The HiFlow not only removes bad taste and odour but is certified to remove/reduce contaminants including Lead, Cysts, Giardia, Cryptosporidium and Chlorine. The filter system inhibits limescale build-up in water using appliances but does not remove fluoride and healthy natural minerals and salts.

  • HiFlow will fill 18,925 x 600ml water bottles
  • Connects Directly To Any Mixer Tap
  • Half Micron Filtration Removes Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Chlorine, Lead, Limescale, Bad Tastes And Odours.
  • Costs less than 1c per litre of filtered water.
  • Certified to remove food contaminents such as lead and guardia.
  • Does not remove fluoride or healthy natural minerals and salts